Results for 'Rudolph Alexander Kofi Cain'

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  1. Against Conventional Wisdom.Alexander W. Kocurek, Ethan Jerzak & Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2020 - Philosophers' Imprint 20 (22):1-27.
    Conventional wisdom has it that truth is always evaluated using our actual linguistic conventions, even when considering counterfactual scenarios in which different conventions are adopted. This principle has been invoked in a number of philosophical arguments, including Kripke’s defense of the necessity of identity and Lewy’s objection to modal conventionalism. But it is false. It fails in the presence of what Einheuser (2006) calls c-monsters, or convention-shifting expressions (on analogy with Kaplan’s monsters, or context-shifting expressions). We show that c-monsters naturally (...)
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    Metalinguistic Gradability.Rachel Rudolph & Alexander W. Kocurek - 2024 - Semantics and Pragmatics 17 (7):1--53.
    We present a novel semantic and conversational framework for a class of gradable-like constructions. These include metalinguistic comparatives, like "Ann is more a linguist than a philosopher", as well as metalinguistic equatives, degree modifications, and conditionals. To the extent previous literature discusses such metalinguistic gradability, the focus has been on comparatives. We extend our account of metalinguistic comparatives (Rudolph & Kocurek 2020) to cover a broader range of metalinguistic gradable constructions. On our semantic expressivist view, these all serve in (...)
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  3. Comparing conventions.Rachel Etta Rudolph & Alexander W. Kocurek - 2020 - Semantics and Linguistic Theory 30:294-313.
    We offer a novel account of metalinguistic comparatives, such as 'Al is more wise than clever'. On our view, metalinguistic comparatives express comparative commitments to conventions. Thus, 'Al is more wise than clever' expresses that the speaker has a stronger commitment to a convention on which Al is wise than to a convention on which she is clever. This view avoids problems facing previous approaches to metalinguistic comparatives. It also fits within a broader framework—independently motivated by metalinguistic negotiations and convention-shiftingexpressions— (...)
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    The Critical Pragmatism of Alain Locke: A Reader on Value Theory, Aesthetics, Community, Culture, Race, and Education.Nancy Fraser, Astrid Franke, Sally J. Scholz, Mark Helbling, Judith M. Green, Richard Shusterman, Beth J. Singer, Jane Duran, Earl L. Stewart, Richard Keaveny, Rudolph V. Vanterpool, Greg Moses, Charles Molesworth, Verner D. Mitchell, Clevis Headley, Kenneth W. Stikkers, Talmadge C. Guy, Laverne Gyant, Rudolph A. Cain, Blanche Radford Curry, Segun Gbadegesin, Stephen Lester Thompson & Paul Weithman (eds.) - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In its comprehensive overview of Alain Locke's pragmatist philosophy this book captures the radical implications of Locke's approach within pragmatism, the critical temper embedded in Locke's works, the central role of power and empowerment of the oppressed and the concept of broad democracy Locke employed.
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    Gnosis und Philosophie: Miscellanea.Rudolph Berlinger & W. Schrader (eds.) - 1994 - Rodopi.
    Inhalt: Alexander BÖHLIG: Vorwort. Der Manichäismus und das Christentum. Bemerkungen zur Metaphysik in Gnosis und Philosophie. Die Bedeutung des CMC für den Manichäismus. Mani und Platon - ein Vergleich. Wolfgang FAUTH: Manis anderes Ich. Gestalthafte Metaphysik im Kölner Mani-Kodex. Syzygos und Eikon. Edgar FRÜCHTEL: Platonismus und Christentum. Einige Bemerkungen zu Zeit und Zeitlichkeit in der Platonica Theologia des Marsilius Ficinus. Einige Bemerkungen zum Bild des Seelenwagenlenkers. Carl-A. KELLER: Gnostik, Urform christlicher Mystik. Christoph MARKSCHIES: Die Krise einer philosophischen Theologie.
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    Die Lehre von den goettlichen Namen in der Summe Alexander von Hales. [REVIEW]Rudolph Allers - 1939 - New Scholasticism 13 (1):78-80.
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    The Chemical Philosophy: Paracelsian Science and Medicine in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Allen G. DebusMan and Nature in the Renaissance. Allen G. DebusDer sächsische Paracelsist Georg Forberger. Mit bibliographischen Beitragen zu Paracelsus, Alexander von Suchten, Denys Zacaire, Bernardus Trevirensis, Paolo Giovio, Francesco Guicciardini und Natale Conti.Rudolph Zaunick, Hans-Heinz Eulner, Kurt Goldammer. [REVIEW]Charles Webster - 1979 - Isis 70 (4):588-592.
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    Towards a ‘greater degree of integration’: the Society for the Study of Speciation, 1939–41.Joe Cain - 2000 - British Journal for the History of Science 33 (1):85-108.
    Intellectual and professional reforms in evolutionary studies between 1935 and 1950 included substantial expansion, diversification, and realignment of community infrastructure. Theodosius Dobzhansky, Julian Huxley and Alfred Emerson organized the Society for the Study of Speciation at the 1939 AAAS Columbus meeting as one response to concerns about ‘isolation’ and ‘lack of contact’ among speciation workers worried about ‘dispersed’ and ‘scattered’ resources in this newly robust ‘borderline’ domain. Simply constructed, the SSS sought neither the radical reorganization of specialities nor the creation (...)
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  9. Selection type theories.Lindley Darden & Joseph A. Cain - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (1):106-129.
    Selection type theories solve adaptation problems. Natural selection, clonal selection for antibody production, and selective theories of higher brain function are examples. An abstract characterization of typical selection processes is generated by analyzing and extending previous work on the nature of natural selection. Once constructed, this abstraction provides a useful tool for analyzing the nature of other selection theories and may be of use in new instances of theory construction. This suggests the potential fruitfulness of research to find other theory (...)
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    An Attributional Analysis of Moral Emotions: Naïve Scientists and Everyday Judges.Udo Rudolph & Nadine Tscharaktschiew - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (4):344-352.
    This article provides an analysis of moral emotions from an attributional point of view, guided by the metaphors of man as a naïve scientist (Heider, 1958) and as a moral judge (Weiner, 2006). The theoretical analysis focuses on three concepts: (a) The distinction between the actor and the observer, (b) the functional quality of moral emotions, and (c) the perceived controllability of the causes of events. Moral emotions are identified (admiration, anger, awe, contempt, disgust, elevation, embarrassment, envy, gratitude, guilt, indignation, (...)
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    Leibliche Präsenz: Eine Soziologie holistischer Erfahrung.Alexander Antony - 2023 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    In welcher Hinsicht können körperlich-leibliche Erfahrungen als Teil sozialer Aktivitäten verstanden werden und wie kann man sie sozialwissenschaftlich untersuchen? Unter Rückgriff auf den klassischen Pragmatismus, insbesondere John Dewey, und soziologische Praxistheorien leistet Alexander Antony einen Beitrag zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen. Er entwickelt eine Soziologie leiblicher Praxis, welche Sozialtheorie, methodologische Reflexion und die Erforschung der Produktion ge- und erlebter Körperlichkeit miteinander verschränkt. Empirisch widmet sich das Buch aus einer diskursanalytischen und ethnographischen Perspektive der Praktik der Atemarbeit, einem,,ganzheitlichen" Therapie- und Selbsterfahrungsangebot. (...)
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    Rational philosophy in history and in system: an introduction to a logical and metaphysical course.Alexander Campbell Fraser - 1858 - New York,: B. Franklin.
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    Practical Phrenology Simplified by Measurement, Or, Man and Woman Their Own Phrenologist: With Practical Hints how to Improve the Moral, Religious, Mental, and Social Conditions of the People.Alexander Graham & J. Oliver - 1869
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    Building womanist coalitions: writing and teaching in the spirit of love.Gary Lemons (ed.) - 2019 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    Over the last generation, the womanist idea--and the tradition blooming around it--has emerged as an important response to separatism, domination, and oppression. Gary L. Lemons gathers a diverse group of writers to discuss their scholarly and personal experiences with the womanist spirit of women of color feminisms. Feminist and womanist-identified educators, students, performers, and poets model the powerful ways that crossing borders of race, gender, class, sexuality, and nation-state affiliation(s) expands one's existence. At the same time, they bear witness to (...)
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    Philosophy.Alexander Meiklejohn - 1926 - Chicago,: American library association.
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    Ball throwing responses to photographically portrayed targets.Patricia Cain Smith & Olin W. Smith - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (3):223.
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    Turning Science to Account.John L. Rudolph - 2005 - Isis 96 (3):353-389.
    ABSTRACT In the second decade of the twentieth century a new subject appeared in American high schools, aimed at providing citizens with an understanding of the essential nature of scientific thinking. “General science,” as it was called, was developed and promoted by an emerging class of professional educators who sought to offer a version of science that they believed would both excite public interest and prove useful in the everyday lives of the masses of students streaming into the rapidly expanding (...)
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    (1 other version)On Definitions of Cuts and Completion of Partially Ordered Sets.Alexander Abian - 1968 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 14 (19):299-302.
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    (1 other version)Quaestiones: 1.1-2.15.Alexander of Aphrodisias - 1992 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by R. W. Sharples.
    trans. R. W. Sharples. Alexander addresses a number of questions drawn from a range of topics in Aristotle's works.
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    Moses Mendelssohn: a biographical study.Alexander Altmann - 1998 - Portland, Or.: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization.
    Alexander Altmann's acclaimed, wide-ranging biography of Moses Mendelssohn (1729-96) was first published in 1973, but its stature as the definitive biography remains unquestioned. In fact, there has been no subsequent attempt at an intellectual biography of this towering and unusual figure: no other Jew so deeply rooted in the Jewish tradition was at the same time so much a part of the intellectual life of the German Enlightenment in the second half of the eighteenth century. As such, Moses Mendelssohn (...)
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    On the Common Universal Things.Alexander of Aphrodisias & Ilyas Altuner - 2020 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 4 (2):113-118.
    Alexander's views on universals are, it seems, quite important in the history of western philosophy. When Boethius gives in his second commentary on Porphyry's Isagoge his solution to the problem of universals as he conceived it, he claims to be adopting Alexander's approach. If true, this means that the locus classicus for all western medieval thinkers on this topic is really a rendering of Alexander's teaching. Alexander commented Aristotle’s statement in his On the Soul “The universal (...)
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    Der Begriff des Wunders, besonders im Hinblick auf Bultmann und Kierkegaard.P. Rudolph Arendt - 1970 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 12 (2):146-164.
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    (Re-)präsentieren von (Re-)präsentationen?Alexander Averhage - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 28.
    This paper aims to reevaluate the use of the concept of representation as it is used to define the concept of ekphrasis, while taking into account recent developments of digital (visual) culture. It offers an account on the different ways representation can be understood as part of those definitions and how they prove successful – or fail to do so – in digital environments, mainly by resorting to the philosophical method of conceptual analysis.
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  24. (1 other version)Mind and body.Alexander Bain - 1897 - New York,: D. Appleton and company.
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  25. Der Begriff "Arbeit" in der Philosophie der Gegenwart.Alexander Barzel - 1973 - Frankfurt/M.,: Peter Lang.
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    L'interpretation de la proposition 90 du liber de Causis chez Albert le Grand et saint Thomas d'Aquin.Alexander Baumgarten - 2003 - Chôra 1:161-171.
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    Die Religion in der Metaphysik: Aristoteles und Platon im Vergleich.Alexander Becker - 2007 - In Luise Schorn-Schütte, Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Johannes Fried & Alexander Fidora, Politischer Aristotelismus Und Religion in Mittelalter Und Früher Neuzeit. Akademie Verlag. pp. 9-23.
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  28. Plato and Formal Knowledge.Alexander Becker - 2003 - In Ideal and Culture of Knowledge in Plato. Franz Steiner Verlag. pp. 97-114.
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    Deconstructing Traumatic Mission Experiences: Identifying Critical Incidents and Their Relevance for the Mental and Physical Health Among Emergency Medical Service Personnel.Alexander Behnke, Roberto Rojas, Sarah Karrasch, Melissa Hitzler & Iris-Tatjana Kolassa - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  30. Feindbilder und Konfliktwahrnehmung in den Quellen zum Auftreten der Seldschuken in Kleinasien (ca. 1050-1118).Alexander Beihammer - 2009 - Byzantion 79:48-98.
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  31. Correlated isotopic tunneling as a possible model for consciousness.Alexander A. Berezin - 1992 - Journal of Theoretical Biology 154:415-20.
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    Denkformen hellenistischer Philosophie im Manichäismus.Alexander Böhlig - 1986 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 12:11-39.
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  33. Kripke.Alexander Bird - 2009 - In Christopher Belshaw & Gary Kemp, 12 Modern Philosophers. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 153--72.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Necessity and Essence Naming and Reference Rules and Meaning Conclusion References.
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  34. Remarks on our knowledge of modal facts.Alexander Bird - 2008 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 43 (1):54--60.
    Can we have a posteriori knowledge of modal facts? And if so, is that knowledge fundamentally a posteriori, or does a priori intuition provide the modal component of what is known? Though the latter view seems more straightforward, there are also reasons for taking the first option seriously.
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    The Literature Review as Imagined Past.Alexander Blum - 2017 - Isis 108 (4):827-829.
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    Nonmonotonic Reasoning.Alexander Bochman - 2012 - In Sven Ove Hansson & Vincent F. Hendricks, Introduction to Formal Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 93-104.
    Nonmonotonic reasoning is a theory of the rational use of assumptions. We describe the relations between NMR and Logic, and two main paradigms of NMR, preferential and explanatory one.
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    Illusions of Linguistics and Illusions of Modern Synthesis: Two Parallel Stories.Alexander Bolshoy & Ľudmila Lacková - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (1):115-119.
    Metaphors involve immense explanatory power and positive impact predominantly in the scientific education and popularization. Still the use of metaphors in science might be a double-edged sword. Introduction of the computer metaphor to many scientific fields in the last century resulted in reductionist approaches, oversimplifications and mechanistic explanations in science as well as in humanities. In this short commentary we developed further the computer metaphor by prof. Noble and the illusions this metaphor led to in genetics, linguistics and consequently DNA (...)
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    J.S. Mill and Violations of Good Manners.Alexander Brown - 2009 - Philosophy Now 76:12-14.
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    Singularität der ‚Massen‘? Kollektivität bei Canetti und Tarde.Alexander Bullik - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 6 (1):145-176.
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    Jay Katz: Preface to a Celebration.Alexander Morgan Capron - 1988 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 16 (3-4):153-156.
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    Shifting the Burden of Decision Making.Alexander Morgan Capron - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (1):17-19.
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    Revisiting Response-Dependent Responsibility.Alexander Carty - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (3):433-446.
    RésuméL'argument de la dépendance à la réponse en matière de responsabilité morale soutient qu'une personne est moralement responsable si, et seulement si elle est une cible appropriée d'attitudes réactives, et en vertu du fait qu'elle l'est. Cependant, si nous pouvons être partiellement moralement responsables, et si les attitudes réactives sont trop grossières pour tenir compte de différences mineures dans les caractéristiques normativement significatives des agents, alors la dépendance à la réponse est fausse. Shawn Wang appelle cela le « défi de (...)
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    Introduction to the Special Issue “Popularizing Philosophy”.Alexander Christian & Frauke Albersmeier - 2021 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 35 (4):283-285.
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  44. Another look at indirect negative evidence.Alexander Clark & Shalom Lappin - unknown
    Indirect negative evidence is clearly an important way for learners to constrain overgeneralisation, and yet a good learning theoretic analysis has yet to be provided for this, whether in a PAC or a probabilistic identification in the limit framework. In this paper we suggest a theoretical analysis of indirect negative evidence that allows the presence of ungrammatical strings in the input and also accounts for the relationship between grammaticality/acceptability and probability. Given independently justified assumptions about lower bounds on the probabilities (...)
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    Ftc guidelines on endorsements and online consumer reviews: Biasing consumers' intent to buy.Alexander Cole - 2010 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 11.
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    Resistance, potentiality and the law: deleuze and agamben on “bartleby”.Alexander Cooke - 2005 - Angelaki 10 (3):79 – 89.
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    Der Fall Spengler: eine kritische Bilanz.Alexander Demandt & John Farrenkopf (eds.) - 1994 - Köln: Böhlau Verlag.
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    Philosophie der Geschichte: von der Antike zur Gegenwart.Alexander Demandt - 2011 - Köln: Böhlau.
    S. 248-254: "Burckhardts Kulturkonstanten".
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    An Old French Poetic Version of the Life and Miracles of Saint Magloire.Alexander J. Denomy & J. Brückmann - 1959 - Mediaeval Studies 21 (1):53-128.
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    Explaining and analyzing audiences: A social cognitive approach to selectivity and media use.Alexander van Deursen, Christian von Criegern, Sven Jöckel, Matthias Rickes & Oscar Peters - 2006 - Communications 31 (3):279-308.
    This study explored LaRose and Eastin's model of media attendance, within a European context. It extended the uses and gratifications paradigm within the framework of social cognitive theory by instituting new operational measures of gratifications sought, reconstructed as outcome expectations. Although the model of media attendance offers some promising steps forward in measuring media selectivity and usage, and to some extent is applicable to another context of media use, the relative importance of outcome expectancies in explaining media usage and selectivity (...)
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